Is Hiring a Ghostwriter Better Than Using PLR?

This is an excellent question that many newbie marketers have. If you’ve spent some time on internet marketing forums or in Facebook groups dedicated to online marketing, you may have seen many people turn their nose up at private label rights (PLR) content.
It’s common for marketers to say, “I’ll NEVER use PLR” or “I prefer to hire my own writers” and so on. Do not be swayed by these comments. Half of them are showboating and the other half probably had bad experiences with PLR. Whether or not you hire a ghostwriter will depend on a few factors… and it has nothing to do with the quality of PLR or being a marketing snob. Let’s look at what really matters. Is Hiring a Ghostwriter Better Than Using PLR?
* Are you already making money online?
Almost always, hiring a ghostwriter will cost you much more than purchasing private label rights content. If you’re trying to build an online business and you’re on a very tight budget, you’re better off using PLR and editing it to make it unique – rather than forking out substantial sums to a freelance writer. That said, if you’re already a successful marketer making good money online and you prefer to have your own writing team, then by all means you can hire ghostwriters. Do NOT put yourself in debt to hire a ghostwriter. PLR can do the job just fine if you use it well.
* How much time do you have?
If you’re short on time and you need some content quickly to meet a publishing schedule… or you need some value-driven information for a last-minute email to your list, Private Label Rights will work in a pinch. You’ll get access to the content immediately after purchase. Hiring a ghostwriter takes time. Not only will you need to find a good one, but you’ll have to wait for them to deliver the content. So, time constraints may determine if you should hire a ghostwriter or not.
* Do you need unique content?
This is a very important point. Google and other engines love unique content. PLR content is usually not unique because several people may have bought the same content and posted it on their blogs. Since Google can’t rank all the similar content, it’ll probably rank the content that was posted by the person who used it first or it may decide based on the authority of the domain. If you’re building niche sites and unique content is very important to you for search engine optimization (SEO), then you’ll need to hire a ghostwriter. Very often, marketers who mention about hiring freelance writers are doing it for SEO purposes. However, if you’re driving traffic to your blog from YouTube, Pinterest, or other platforms, SEO is only of secondary importance. You won’t really need unique content and will be able to use PLR.
There’s no right or wrong answer here. It all depends on the purpose of the content.
* What’s your topic?
PLR sellers sell PLR to make money. Because of this, they often create content in niches that are wide and have a lot of demand. This will ensure that they sell as many copies of their PLR as possible. This is the main reason why there’s no shortage of Private Label Rights content for topics like weight loss, online marketing, yoga, health niches, and so on. There’s massive demand in these niches. However, if you’re in a narrow and very specific niche, it may be almost impossible to get PLR content for your topic. You’re not going to find any PLR sellers creating an entire content package for ‘plastic extrusion molding’. It’s not financially prudent for PLR vendors to create content on topics that only have one or two buyers. You’ll need to hire a ghostwriter in this case. They’ll have to spend time researching and understanding the topic to do it justice.
* You can use both!
The good news is that using PLR and hiring a ghostwriter are not mutually exclusive activities. You can use both. Get a ghostwriter for unique content on your blog, but use a PLR report as a lead magnet. You’d have saved yourself some money. Use PLR content in your emails, or turn them into videos for your video marketing. Private Label Rights can be used for a multitude of purposes. You don’t always need unique content. As long as your content is informative, engaging, and accurate, you’re good to go – and many PLR bundles satisfy these requirements. So, use PLR when you can and hire a ghostwriter when unique content is crucial.
Is Hiring a Ghostwriter Better Than Using PLR?