Building a Funnel with Your PLR

The term ‘sales funnel’ is all the rage these days and marketers make it more complicated than it has to be. A lot of the hype is usually designed to push software such as ClickFunnels – so affiliates can make hefty commissions. The truth of the matter is that there are many other options such as WarriorPlus, Thrivecart, JVZoo, ClickBank, etc. that you can use too. Building a Funnel with Your PLR.
But first, you need to know what a funnel is…
* What’s a funnel?
When you come across a sales page, the product you’re usually looking at is commonly known as a front-end product. After you purchase the front-end, you may be taken to an upgrade page where there is another product for sale (also known as an upsell). If you choose to decline the upsell, you may be taken to another page where there’s another product (usually cheaper) for sale. This is known as a down-sell.
If you decline this too, you’ll be taken to the download page to access your product… or a page informing you that your order will be shipped.
This is the most basic funnel. There are variations where marketers have upgrade after upgrade and down-sell after down-sell. You’ll feel like you’re stuck interminably in their wretched funnel from which there’s no escape. While funnels are effective for increasing your revenue, if you overdo it and bastardize the concept, you’ll just annoy your buyers and create ill-will between your customer and you.
* Front-end product
Now that you know what a funnel is when using PLR if you have a ‘Biz-In-A-Box’ PLR product, you can rebrand it and use it as your front-end product. As long as you change up the graphics, you’ll have a unique product that you can sell as your own and most buyers wouldn’t be any wiser. They won’t know it’s PLR and they won’t care. What they want is the information within.
* Upgrades
As for your upgrade page/s, you can always use another ‘Biz-In-A-Box’ bundle (rebranded too). You may choose to get the PLR from the same vendor or another vendor. It’s fine to combine content from different PLR vendors as long as the products are good. What matters is that your upgrade is relevant to the front-end offer.
For example, if your front-end was an eBook on the ketogenic diet, your upgrade could be a book on getting six-pack abs or muscle building. The people looking to lose weight will probably be interested in carving out their bodies to look like a Greek god too. You’ll be much more likely to get the sale when they’re in a buying mood and the product they see is in alignment with their goals. You must understand how the buyer thinks. Once you know the motivation behind their purchase, then upselling them is just a matter of giving them more products which will help them reach their goals faster.
You could also repurpose your front-end PLR to use as an upgrade offer. For example, if you’re selling an eBook in your front end, recording the eBook as an audio file will mean that you can sell the audiobook as an upgrade. Many people will prefer listening to the book in their car rather than reading it. You can also charge more for the audiobook because of higher production costs and a higher perceived value.
* Download page
The product download page is also a part of your funnel. Provide the buyer access to their product, but also monetize the page by listing one or two other products they could buy. There should also be a link to the upgrade pages. Some customers may only purchase the front end… but like the product so much that they wish to get the rest of the funnel. This upgrade link will help them get the rest of the products and you’ll get more sales.
* Exit pop up
Always have an exit pop up on your sales page to capture the emails of those who want to leave your page without buying anything.
This happens all the time. The pop up should offer them a free gift in exchange for their email. The gift could either be a short report or the first 2 chapters of the book you’re trying to sell, etc. It doesn’t matter what the gift is. It should just be tempting and get the prospect on your email list. Once again, you can use PLR to create the lead magnet.
You can then follow up with them via email and provide more value – while repeatedly exposing them to your offer. After multiple exposures, they’ll be less resistant and more likely to purchase your product. Building a funnel is relatively easy once your know-how. It’s just a matter of connecting the sales pages and the down-sell pages… and taking the buyer to the download page after purchase.
The digital product platforms mentioned above will help you build a funnel easily. Take your time to familiarize yourself with the platform and you’ll master it in no time at all.
Building a Funnel with Your PLR