Does Your PLR Have a Voice?

Have you ever wondered why some blogs are so popular while others languish in the muck and mire of mediocrity? The answer is simple – the popular blogs have a ‘voice’. They have personality and there’s a tone in the content that resonates with their audience. Here’s a difficult pill to swallow… Most PLR content is vapid, dull, and lacking a voice. The content may be factually accurate and written well, but the content may not sound like YOU. Does Your PLR Have a Voice?
People are coming to your blog for you. Whether you blog as a person or as a company, your blog needs to have a ‘voice’. Some blogs are whimsical, others are sarcastic and funny, some are unique and out of the box, and so on. Whatever the case, there are a few elements that decide if your blog is going to catch on. Content that has valuable information and amazes people will do well. If your posts are humorous, your audience will enjoy themselves. If your content inspires people and touches their hearts, your audience will love you. Only by adding your voice to your PLR can you hope to hook your readers by the eyeballs and draw them into your world of content and value.
* Your opinions and advice
Mix in your opinions and advice with your PLR content. Adding quotes, funny stories, jokes, puns, etc. will help to create a voice in your blog.
Do note that this voice will need to be consistent. Do not be funny on 5 posts but more serious than a heart attack on 5 other posts. The tone of the blog must be even throughout.
* Personal experience from testing
If you’re blogging about a topic that you have personal experience with, do share your experiences. It doesn’t matter what the activity is, as long as you’re walking the talk. Your personal experiences will be a wealth of information for newbies in your niche… and they’ll feel ‘closer’ to you when they hear your real-life stories.
* Videos
By showing that you have experience in the niche, you’ll build credibility and by putting a face to the blog, you’ll become more trustworthy.
If you have a prepper blog, make videos of yourself setting up a tent or purifying water, etc. If you’re into weight loss, you can make videos of yourself training or preparing your meals and so on. These videos will be highly interesting to your audience because people love watching what happens in other people’s lives. ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ is proof of this.
* Images
If you’re too shy to appear on video, you can always use photos of yourself doing what you’re showing on the blog. Or you could use memes, gifs, etc. that resonate with your audience. Just make sure they’re related to your content.
* Logos and watermarks
Your blog will need a logo. This logo should be on all your images and/or watermark on your videos. The colors you use in your blog should be ideal for your niche. Do research to see what are the colors used for other similar sites in your niche. You’ll notice the brown and green frequently appear in the gardening and prepper niches. Blue and white seem to be popular in the health/medical niches and so on.
Find what suits your niche and apply it.
In conclusion, always remember that your blog is an extension of you. Even if you’re just setting up niche sites for the money and you’ve no passion in the niche, you still need to understand your audience. You should create a reader avatar for your blog. How do they talk? What terms do they use? and what interests them? What problems do they have?
Spend times in forums that are about your niche and study the people and comments there. Join Facebook groups dedicated to the topic and see what the people there talk about too. All this will give you an understanding of your audience and what’s close to their heart.
Weave their language into your PLR content so that your blog speaks to them and grabs their attention. You’ll then build a loyal audience that looks forward to whatever you have to say and stays with you for years to come.