How to Rebrand Your PLR So it Stands Out

If you’ve read other articles on rebranding your PLR, you’d have realized that it’s a pretty straightforward process. As long as you change your graphics, that’s 80% of the battle won. Then you just need to rewrite the headline on the sales copy provided and it’ll look like you have a brand new product for sale. This mostly applies to ‘Biz-In-A-Box’ PLR packages where you’re given an eBook, report, sales page, covers, etc.
Everything is given to you… but you should only be using written content such as the eBook, report, sales copy, emails, etc. You’ll need to use the sales pages and other related pages because it’s easy to upload them. Most of the remaining components will need to be changed.
However, there are other nuances to the process that you should be aware of too. How to Rebrand Your PLR So it Stands Out.
* Catchy title
Firstly, you need to come up with a new title for your book, report, etc. The new title should be catchy and capable of getting sign-ups/sales.
It would be a good idea to visit marketplaces like Amazon, ClickBank, Barnes & Noble, etc. to see what their bestselling books are. You can get lots of inspiration for book titles just by seeing what’s popular in these sites.
* Author image
An author’s image is something most PLR buyers don’t even think of using when packaging their PLR eBooks/reports. Add an image of yourself to the book so that the reader has an idea of who you are. This is a form of branding. If you wish to use a pen name, that’s fine. You may get a stock photo of someone who looks ‘authorly’ and use that in your books. These photos can be purchased from sites like Depositphotos or Shutterstock.
In some cases, using another person’s image might help your cause. Selling a book on potty training for kids? – Best to use an image of a female author. Selling a book on survival self-defense? – Best to use a male image. While the social justice warriors may argue that gender is a social construct, you can bet that the people buying your books will subconsciously judge the content based on the author’s images. That’s just how people think.
* Attractive images
Most PLR sellers are restricted when it comes to the images they can use in their PLR products. They can’t use stock photos from sites like Depositphotos because of the license restrictions. They’ll need an extended license and even then, there are restrictions and it’s all too costly and complicated. So, most PLR sellers use images from the creative commons to create the covers that accompany their PLR bundles.
The problem here is that creative commons images are usually not as attractive as those you could get from the paid sites.
The good news is that since you’re rebranding the PLR and selling it as a final product (not PLR), you could pay for an attractive image from a stock photo site and ask your graphic designer to make a fantastic cover for you (by using that image). You’ll have a truly professional-looking product now. A quick note: You need to be extra careful when using PLR if you’re NOT rebranding them.
Some clueless PLR vendors may use stock photos from paid photo sites to create derivative covers. This is risky and if the stock photo sites discover that you’re using their images without a license, you will be asked to remove the images/products which are flouting their rules.
You’ll also be asked to compensate them to the tune of thousands of dollars. Avoid these risks by getting new images done for your product, and you’ll have the photo’s usage license to back you up.
* Logos
Hire a logo designer to create a logo for your site, Use this logo on your blog, images, videos, site’s favicon, etc. The logo will brand the entire business and everything will seem linked and consistent.
* Dedicated domain and website
To look truly professional, do purchase a separate domain just for your eBook. For example, if you have a fitness blog called and you’re selling a book on six-pack abs, do NOT host the sales page on Rebrand your PLR book a new title such as ‘From Dad Bods To Ab Bods’ – and buy the domain
Now your product has its own domain and the home page of that domain is the sales page. The visitor is limited to 2 actions. They can either buy the product or close the sales page. That’s it. This will increase conversions. Do have an exit pop up offering a freebie should the potential customer decide to leave. This will help you capture their email and you can remarket to them later on.
Of course, the freebie you give could be the short report (rebranded) from your Biz-In-A-Box bundle. If you do not follow this tip and try to sell the product on your main blog, your potential buyer can always click on links in the sidebar and disappear down the rabbit hole in your blog. You do NOT want leaks when someone is on a sales page. You want them to buy. Period.
* Multiple modalities
You can repurpose your PLR content into multiple modalities and sell them to people who prefer to learn in different ways. For example, an eBook can be recorded and sold as an audiobook. Or you could split up the book into 10 videos and sell them as video training. Some people prefer audiobooks, some prefer videos and some just like to read. You’ll be catering to all of them if your content is in multiple modalities. Just remember to create a new image for each format and this is rebranding as you increase your chances of making a sale.
* A blog
Last but not least, you must set up a blog. Too many PLR buyers only set up the sales page and try to sell the product with no point of reference. Setting up a blog helps to build your reputation and authority. When your blog is full of valuable content, it’ll make the potential buyer trust you. You’re not some unknown entity selling something out of the blue. You actually have a business and presence online. So, use your blog to influence your audience and get them to trust you enough to buy from you.
Use the pointers in this article to not only rebrand your content but also to brand yourself in the niche you’re in. That’s the key to longevity in any business.
How to Rebrand Your PLR So it Stands Out