What to Look Out for When Rewriting Your PLR (Checklist)

Rewriting your PLR can be a chore, but it’s a necessary one if you wish to achieve specific goals with your PLR – such as differentiation or ranking.
Below you’ll find a checklist that you can print out for easy reference when trying to personalize your content.
* ALWAYS rewrite the title. Create a catchy one that gets attention. Use this tool: https://sumo.com/kickass-headline-generator/
* Decide on your goal. If you need unique content for guest posts and/or SEO purposes, you’ll need to rewrite your content till it’s 100% and 55% unique respectively. Use this tool to help you: https://copyleaks.com/compare
* Fact-checking – counter check facts and statistics in your PLR content. Fix inaccuracies and add more facts as needed.
* Content length. Is your content long enough to provide value? Are you trying to rank for certain keywords and does your competition have longer content? You may need to rewrite the content and make it longer.
* Do you share the same opinions as to the PLR creator? – Some PLR may have the author’s opinions. Delete these opinions if you don’t agree with them.
* Can you link to other posts? – Internal linking helps to make your site ‘sticky’ and keep visitors on your blog longer. They aid with SEO too.
* Insert images and videos. These visual types of content help to break up the monotony of text and also improve readability. Your content will become more engaging too.
* Fonts and color scheme. Decide on a fixed font and color scheme for your blog, and do not deviate. Consistency will help to create a site that looks clean.
* Any awkward sentences or paragraphs? Fix them.
* Check for spelling and grammar errors in the PLR content. Fix those too.
* Will adding references to your content make it more credible? Add them.
* Any chance to add affiliate links? You want to monetize your content, but not overdo it. There should always be one link on every blog post that inconspicuously leads the reader to something they can buy. Let their curiosity do the rest.
* Check all links (if any) in the PLR content. Do they work?
These are some of the most important points to look out for when rewriting your PLR. Always remember that PLR content is not a final solution to content creation. It’s a tool, and just like any tool, you need to wield it well for maximum benefit. If you’re rewriting your content to make it unique for search engine purposes, do remember that this unique content can be repurposed too.
It can be converted into videos or broken down into attractive images. Rewriting requires effort and you can leverage off this effort to create more content pieces so you get more mileage. As long as the written content is not used more than once, it will be unique for Google… and the images and videos will be unique too. Compile enough unique content and you have material for audiobooks, membership sites, video training and so much more. All these are opportunities to provide value, drive traffic, and make money.
Tap into these opportunities to leverage your effort and multiply it to get more returns. This is how you rewrite PLR and use it advantageously.
What to Look Out for When Rewriting Your PLR